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I’m gonna + (verb) 我马上要戒烟了

The word 'gonna' is incorrect grammatically. The equivalent in proper grammar would be 'going to.' When using the word 'gonna' you are telling someone what you are planning to do at that moment or in the near future. 'gonna'这个词是不正确的语法,它相当于正确语法中的'going to',当用'gonna'这个词的时候,就是在告诉别人你在那个时候或者在不久的将来马上要做什么。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I'm gonna have some coffee." 


"I'm gonna go to work."


"I'm gonna eat some cake."


"I'm gonna send out my resume."


"I'm gonna run a marathon."


"I'm gonna ask her out for dinner."


"I'm gonna stop smoking."


"I'm gonna help my friends." 


"I'm gonna take swim lessons."


"I'm gonna read a book." 
