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I gotta + (verb) 我今天必须要打扫房子

'I gotta' is grammatically incorrect. It is more of a spoken form. If you want to say this with proper grammar, the equivalent would be, 'I have got to' or 'I've got to'. In the spoken form, 'got to' is shortened to 'gotta' and the word 'have' is dropped. 'I gotta'是语法错误,它更像是一种口语形式,如果你想要用正确的语法来说,就相当于'I have got to'或者'I've got to',在口语形式里,'got to'是'gotta'的缩写,而且'have'这个词省略了。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I gotta manage my money."


"I gotta obey the laws."


"I gotta move to a bigger house."


"I gotta impress my boss."


"I gotta brush my teeth."


By adding the word 'have' you can change what you are saying to express something that needs to be done in the near future. 通过加'have'这个词你就可以改变在不久的将来你需要做的事情所要表达的东西。
Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I have got to be on time to work."


"I've gotta try harder at school."


"I've gotta tell my wife I'll be late."


"I've gotta learn more about the laws."


"I've gotta clean my house today."
