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“A blue moon”难道是“蓝月亮”吗?太天真!

今天来给大家讲的是各种与“时间”相关的表达,首先先告诉你,“A blue moon”不是“蓝月亮”,至于是什么,先卖个关子,结尾告诉你! 另外,今天你有学习英语吗? call it a day 收工 Why don't we call it a day? I'm really tired. 我们为什么不收工呢?我真的很累了。
against the clock 和时间赛跑 The students were racing against the clock to finish the paper before the deadline. 学生们要赶在时间截止之前努力答完试卷。
上海英语口语 devil of a time 魔鬼般的时光 Before she divorced, Ann had a devil of a time with her husband. 在安离婚之前,她和她的丈夫度过一段魔鬼般的时光。
high time 正当...的时刻 It's high time you began learning how to drive. 这正是你开始学车的好时候。
It's (high) time that 后面的从句,谓语动词要用过去式,或用should加动词原形。
上海英语口语 kill time 消磨时光 He had nothing in particular to do, so he went for a walk downtown to kill time. 他没有什么特别的事要做,所以他为了消磨时间,去市区散了散步。
a blue moon 千载难逢的事 Once in a blue moon, her husband brings her gift. 她丈夫居然送她了一份礼物,真是千载难逢的一件事。