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Office and Cubicles办公室和隔间

The office has three types of workstation setting. Some companies provide a single office for each employee, other companies have a cubicle system, and some companies have desks put together in a large open space where everyone sits. I'll separate this lesson into these three categories. 办公室有三种类型的工作站设置,有些公司为每个员工提供一个单独的办公室,其他公司都有一个小隔间系统,一些公司把办公桌放在一个大的开放空间里,每个人都坐在那里,我将把这一课分成三类。

Desks all together 桌子都放在一起 

If you are in an environment where you have to sit at a desk right next to 15 other people with the same desks, I'm sorry for your situation. It's very uncomfortable working like this, but it is a reality. Here are some things I heard from people in this setting. 如果你必须坐在一个有15个人同时共享同一张办公桌的环境中,我为你的处境感到抱歉。这样工作很不舒服,但这是现实。以下是我在这个场景中听到的一些东西。

General statements or complaints 一般的语句或抱怨

"It's not that bad, but there is no privacy." 


"I wouldn't mind it so much if the manager couldn't see every minute of my day." 


"I hate it. Even if they can't give us offices, they could at least give us cubicles."


"The reason I hate it so much is because I can't take a small break. Since the manager is always looking at everyone, even when I am not working, I have to pretend like I am." 


"There are a lot of distractions. I can hear everything everyone says in the whole office." 有很多让人分心的东西,我能听到整个办公室里所有人说的话。

"Mary sometimes turns on the music. It's not that bad, but sometimes I want it quiet."


"If I have a complaint about something, I can't talk to the manager because everyone will hear. I have to set up a meeting and use the conference room." 


Questions and Requests 问题和要求 

"I don't have another outlet near my desk. Can I get a power strip?" 


"Can I move to a different location? The sun always glares off my monitor and I have trouble working." 


"Can I sit on the other side of the room? This is too close to the door and it gets cold here." 


"I get hot easily. Would it be possible if I sit next to the door? It is much cooler there." 
