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Negotiating before Leaving离职前的谈判

Receiving a job offer is another way to negotiate a salary increase or a position change. If you are a great employee then your current employer might try to entice you to stay. If you are willing to stay, you can say that you received another offer and you are still thinking about it. If they try to make you stay, you can state what it will take for you to stay. 接收工作机会是另一种谈判加薪或职位变动的方式,如果你是一个优秀的员工,那么你现在的雇主可能会怂恿你留下来。

"Hi Mark, I am at a crossroad in my career. I have recently interviewed with a different company and they extended an offer to me. I haven't decided yet, but I wanted to tell you before coming to a decision.

" 你好,马克,现在是我职业生涯的转折点,我最近与另一家公司进行了面试,他们向我提供了工作机会,我还没有决定,但我想在我做决定之前告诉你。

If at this time they ask you to stay, then you can ask for a couple of things. 如果这一次他们要求你留下来,那么你可以要求一些东西。

"If I didn't like this company, it would be an easy decision, but I really like it here. However, I have been asking to take on Program Management responsibilities here. Also, they are offering me a 6 percent higher salary than my current pay. Can anything be done about these two things?" 如果我不喜欢这家公司,那将是一个简单的决定,但我真的很喜欢这里,但是,我一直要求在这里承担项目管理的职责,而且,他们给我的薪水比我现在的工资高6%,这两个我要怎么抉择?

"Hi Mark, I have been thinking about moving back to my home town. I have a job lined up, but I haven't decided yet. I wanted to let you know before I make my final decision." 


If they ask you to stay, you can say the following, but if they don't ask you to stay, then it is useless. 


"Well, they are offering me a higher salary. It's 7 percent higher than my current salary. Would it be possible for you guys to match this?" 
