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Quitting or Leaving Work – Interactive Practice辞职对话练习

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native. 

点击Listen All并跟随。在熟悉整个对话之后,通过点击Person A 按钮成为A角色。你只会听到B通过音频文件。对你来说,在安静的时候你就重复A的句子。角色B也是同样的。谈话的速度是本地英语的速度。如果每个句子之间的停顿对你来说太快了,请使用暂停按钮。练习几次之后,你就能像本土人一样说得很快了。


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hi Mark, I have something important to tell you." 你好,马克,我有重要的事要告诉你。

B: "Come on in. What's on your mind?" 进来吧,你在想什么? A: "Well, I have decided to leave the company. I had a wonderful time here, but it is time to move on for me." 嗯,我已经决定离开公司了,我在这里度过了一段美好的时光,但现在是为我而努力的时候了。

B: "May I ask why?" 我能问一下原因吗? A: "I got an offer from ABC Company. It's a management position and I really don't want to let this opportunity pass me by. You know I have been looking for a management position here, but all the positions here are full." 我收到ABC公司的录用了,那是一个管理职位,我真的不想让这个机会从我身边溜走,你知道我一直在这寻找一个管理职位,但这里所有职位都是满的。

B: "I understand your decision and you have my support." 我理解你的决定,我也支持你。

A: "Thanks for understanding. I can work here two more weeks." 谢谢你的理解,我可以在这里再工作两个星期。

B: "Ok. Will you be able to finish your current assignment?" 好的,你能完成目前的任务吗? A: "Yes I will. And if you hire someone within two weeks, I would be happy to provide training on my areas." 当然我会的,如果你在两周内雇人,我很乐意在我的领域内提供培训。

B: "That would be great. We're going to miss you here." 那太好了,我们会在这里想念你的。

A: "I'm going to miss this place too. Thanks." 我也会想念这个地方的,谢谢。

Listen All

Person A

Person B



Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hi Mary, I interviewed with another company and they offered me a position. I wanted to let you know before I made my decision." 你好,玛丽,我面试了另一家公司,并且他们给了我一个职位,在我做出决定之前,我想让你知道。

B: "I'm sorry to hear that. But I appreciate you telling me before you accepted the offer." 听到这个消息我很难过,但我很感激你在收到录用之前告诉我。

A: "I really enjoy my work here, but I was concerned about the lack of opportunities. I put in effort to gain more experience here, but the projects are limited." 我真的很喜欢我在这里的工作,但我担心缺少机会,我努力在这里获得更多的经验,但项目是有限的。

B: "What would help you to decide to stay?" 什么能帮你决定留下来? A: "I would consider staying more if I could change my position. I would love working in this same group, but I would like to be doing something different. And finally, they offered me 6 percent more than my current salary." 


B: "When do you have to make a decision by?" 

你什么时候必须做决定? A: "They want me to respond in a week." 他们想让我在一周内回复。

B: "Let me see what I can do and I'll let you know tomorrow or on Wednesday. Can you wait until then?"

 让我看看我能做些什么,明天或周三告诉你,你能等到那时吗? A: "That's not a problem." 这不是问题。

B: "Great. I'm going to do everything I can to keep you on board." 太好了,我要尽我所能让你留在这里。

A: "I appreciate what you are doing for me." 我很感激你为我所做的一切。

B: "It's the least I can do. You're a valuable asset here." 


Listen All

Person A

Person B