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I didn’t mean to + (verb)我不是故意让你困惑的

The word 'didn't' is a contraction of the words 'did not'. When using it in a sentence with the words 'mean to' you are informing someone that you did something you regret or are sorry for. This could have been a physical, mental or verbal action.

'didn't'这个词是'did not'的缩写形式,当在一个句子中它和'mean to'一起使用的时候,你就是要告诉别人你做了一些让你后悔和抱歉的事情,这可能是一个身体上的、心理的或口头的行动。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."


"I didn't mean to call you so late."


"I didn't mean to lie about what happened."


"I didn't mean to embarrass you."


"I didn't mean to stay out so late."


"I did not mean to say those things."


"I did not mean to leave you out."


"I did not mean to make you confused."


"I did not mean to think you were involved."


"I did not mean to cause trouble."
