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It’s hard for me to + (verb)我很难争论你的观点

When saying that something is 'hard for me' you are informing someone that what you are talking about is difficult or challenging for you.

当说某件事情'hard for me'的时候,你是在告诉别人你正在谈论的东西对你来说很难或者对你是个挑战。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"It's hard for me to accept what you are telling me."


"It's hard for me to argue your point." 


"It's hard for me to balance my check book."


"It's hard for me to concentrate on the task."


"It's hard for me to consider your other options."


"It's hard for me to depend on you."


"It is hard for me to decide where to go tonight."


"It is hard for me to explain my actions."


"It is hard for me to guarantee your success."


"It is hard for me to handle so much pressure."
