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Do you mind if I + (verb)你介意我开窗吗

You are asking someone in present tense if they object to something you are asking. 你可以用现在时来问别人他们是否反对你问的一些事情。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"Do you mind if I excuse myself?"


"Do you mind if we left early?"


"Do you mind if I take a nap?"


"Do you mind if I ask your mom?"


"Do you mind if it snows?"


You could also use the word 'would' 你可以用'would'这个词 Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"Would you mind if we went out to eat?"


"Would you mind if I opened the window?"


"Would you mind telling me what you're doing?"


"Would you mind being quiet for a minute?"
