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贝灵思特课堂故事九:Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽

【睡前故事】Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽 2016-09-30 每天一个经典睡前小故事,让孩子睡前得到正规英文发音滋养的同时,认识一个经典小故事。
给孩子一个充实的晚安! 《美女与野兽》Beauty and the Beast原作由法国博蒙夫人编著,故事描绘了一位被变成野兽的王子,与为履行父亲诺言来到古堡居住的姑娘贝儿。
今天给大家带来的小故事 Beauty and the Beast Part 1 ONCE UPON A TIME, in a town far away, there lived a rich merchant who had three pretty daughters. 很久很久以前,在一个偏远的小镇上住着一位富有的商人和他美丽的三个女儿。
The youngest daughter was the prettiest of the three and she was called Beauty. She was as good and kind as she was lovely. Her elder sisters, although they too were pretty, were neither kind nor good. They were selfish and proud. 小女儿贝儿是三个人中最漂亮的,而且她待人亲切善良。
One day their father came home looking very grave. When his daughters asked him what was the matter, he replied,” Alas, I am no longer rich. I have lost my fortune. We must all leave this beautiful house and go to live in a cottage in the country. 有一天,她们的父亲面色沉重地回到家。
” The elder sisters were very angry when they learned this news. 两个姐姐知道了这件事后非常生气。
“What shall we do with ourselves all day in the country?” they asked. “我们整天呆在乡下该怎么办?”她们问。
Beauty said, “How nice it will be to live in the country among the woods and fields and flowers.” 贝儿说:“住在乡间,被鲜花绿树和田野环绕着,多么美好啊。
” So their father found a little cottage with a large garden in the country, and they all went to live there. 于是她们的父亲在乡村找了间有大院子的农舍,全家一起搬了过去。
The father worked hard in the garden and, by selling his fruit and vegetables, made enough money to live comfortably. 父亲在院子里辛勤耕作,卖出水果和蔬菜来赚钱,让生活过得更舒服。
One day, the father gathered his three daughters together and told them that he had to go to a distant town, on business. He might not return until the next day. 有一天,父亲把他的三个女儿叫到一起,告诉她们他要去远处的一个镇上谈生意,也许到第二天才会回来。
“Is there any little gift which I might bring home for you?” he asked each of his daughters in turn. “你有什么要我带回来的小礼物吗?”他依次问三个女儿。
“Diamonds for me,” said the eldest daughter. “我要钻石。
“Pearls for me,” said the second daughter. “我要珍珠。
“Please, Father, a bunch of white roses for me,” said Beauty. “父亲,请给我带一束白玫瑰。
Then their father rode away on horseback and Beauty waved to him from the doorstep. 然后她们的父亲就骑马离开了,贝儿站在门阶上向她父亲挥手道别。
When the merchant had finished his business he set off for home. Before long it grew dark and he lost his way. He found himself in a dense wood and could find no way out. 商人谈完了生意就启程回家。
Then, at last, he saw a light in the distance and he rode towards it. However, as he drew nearer to the light, he found that the trees formed a wide avenue. He rode up the avenue and, to his surprise, arrived at the entrance to a palace. 终于他发现了远处的一道光,立刻骑马向着光走去。
The door of the palace stood open, but there was no one in sight so the merchant walked in. He went into a room on the right of the hall, where a fire blazed in the hearth. There he found a table set with supper for one. 宫殿的大门敞开着,但是看不到一个人,于是商人走了进去。
The merchant was hungry and decided that he would first take his horse to the stable. Then he would return and, if there was still no one in the room, he would have a good meal. 商人饿极了,他决定先去把马拴到马厩再回来,如果那时房间里还是没有人,他就要好好享用这份大餐了。
When he returned from the stable, the room was still empty so he sat down and enjoyed the supper. 他从马厩回来时房间依然空无一人,于是他坐下享用了晚餐。
After supper, Beauty’s father felt sleepy and, crossing the hall, he found a bedroom all ready for use. He went to bed and slept soundly until the next morning. 吃过了晚餐,贝儿的父亲觉得困了。
When he awoke, his own clothes were nowhere to be seen but a new, embroidered suit lay on the chair, in their place. He dressed himself in the new clothes and then he set off for the stables, to see to his horse. 他醒来时怎么也找不到自己的衣服,只在椅子上找到一套崭新的绣花礼服。
On the way to the stables, the merchant passed a beautiful rose garden. The sight of a white rose bush reminded him of Beauty’s wish and he left the path to gather a bunch of the roses. 在去马厩的路上,商人路过了一片漂亮的玫瑰园。
He had only picked one rose then he heard a terrible sound behind him. Turning round he saw a big beast. 他才刚摘下一朵玫瑰就听到背后一声恐怖的声响。
The big beast said, in a big voice, “You ungrateful man! Whose bed did you sleep in? Whose food have you eaten? And whose clothes are you wearing? Mine, mine, mine! And you repay my kindness by stealing my roses. You shall die!” 野兽用他响亮的大嗓门说:“你这个不知感恩的人!你睡的是谁的床?吃的是谁的食物?穿的是谁的衣服?是我的都是我的!然后你偷我的玫瑰来回报我的善良,你应该去死!” The big beast looked so fierce that the poor man was terrified. 野兽看起来非常凶猛,把这可怜的人吓坏了。
“Please do not kill me,” he begged. “请不要杀我!”他乞求着。
“Your life will be spared on one condition,” replied the beast. “You must come back here in a month’s time, bringing with you whatever shall first meet you on your return home.” “你要活下来只有一个条件,”野兽回答道,“你必须在一个月内回来,把你回家路上遇到的第一个东西带过来,无论它是什么。
” Beauty's father could not do other than agree to this. 贝儿的父亲不得不答应下来。
As the merchant rode away from the palace, he thought about the promise he had given to the beast. 在商人骑马离开宫殿的路上,他回想着给野兽的承诺。
Then he remembered how Beauty had stood waving to him as he left home. An awful thought struck him. “What if it is Beauty who first greets me on my return?” 他想起自己离家时贝儿是如何跟他挥手告别的,他想起一件可怕的事。
“如果贝儿是第一个来迎接我的该怎么办?” Meanwhile, Beauty waited at the window of her room, watching for her dear father to return. When she saw a figure on horseback appear in the distance, she skipped down the garden path. 与此同时,贝儿在自己房间的窗边等待着,望眼欲穿地等着她的父亲回来。
Yes, it was her dear father returning home, but Beauty could not think what was wrong whit him. He looked so tired and sad. 没错,是她亲爱的父亲回来了,但贝儿不知道父亲怎么了,他看起来疲惫而伤心。
重点句子 Is there any little gift which I might bring home for you? 你们要我带什么礼物回来吗?