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I have to + (verb)我必须要换个学校了

The words 'have to' describe something that needs to take place soon. It expresses certainty, necessity, or obligation. 'have to'这个词是形容一些事即将要发生,它表达的是必然性、必要性或者义务。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I have to switch schools." 


"I have to use the telephone."


"I have to go to the bathroom."


"I have to leave."


"I have to unpack my bags."


You can also add the word 'don't' to suggest that someone is not required to do something. 你也可以加'don't'这个词来表示某人没有要求去做某事。

"I don't have to switch schools."


"I don't have to use the telephone."


"I don't have to go to the bathroom."


"I don't have to leave."


"I don't have to unpack my bags."
