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I don’t have time to + (verb) 我没时间锻炼

The word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' When adding 'have time to' you are simply stating that you have other obligations and all other things considered must wait.

'don't'这个词是'do not'的缩写形式,当加'have time to'的时候就简单的表明你有其他必须要做的事情而所有其他的事情必须要等一下。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I don't have time to explain."


"I don't have time to eat."


"I don't have time to exercise."


"I don't have time to watch my favorite TV show."


"I don't have time to talk."


You can also use the phrase 'I don't' to express things you do not like, things you do not understand, or things you do not do.

你也可以用'I don't'这个短语来表达你不喜欢的事情,你不懂的事情,或者你不会去做的事情。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"I don't eat meat."


"I don't like the rain."


"I don't understand Spanish."


"I do not understand what you are saying."


"I do not like scary movies."


"I do not like sports."
