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120 Daily Used Short Sentences Part 1

英语口语-贝灵思特 NO. 汉语 Mandarin 英语 English 1 绝对不是。
Absolutely not. 2 你跟我一起去吗? Are you coming with me? 3 你能肯定吗? Are you sure? 4 快到了吗? Are we almost there? 5 尽快。
As soon as possible. 6 相信我。
Believe me. 7 买下来! Buy it! 8 明天打电话给我。
Call me tomorrow. 9 请您说得慢些好吗? Can you speak slowly? 10 跟我来。
Come with me. 11 恭喜恭喜。
Congratulations. 12 把它做对。
Do it right! 13 你当真? Do you mean it? 14 你经常见到他吗? Do you see him often? 15 你明白了吗? Do you understand? 16 你要吗? Do you want it? 17 你想要些什么? Do you want something? 18 不要做。
Don’t do it. 19 不要夸张。
Don’t exaggerate. 20 不要告诉我。
Don’t tell me that.