• Mon - Sun 9.00 - 21.00
  • 上海市松江区涞坊路417号涞亭生活馆2层201室BSL美语
  • 02160910113


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Simple Commands and Instructions used in the Class Room part 1

英语口语 BSL贝灵思特 英语课堂的常用句子 1. Good Morning, Children 1.早上好,孩子们 2. Good Morning, Teacher 2.早上好,老师 3. Stand up 3.起立 4. Sit down 4.坐下 5. Please sit down 5.请坐下 6. Come here 6.过来 7. Bring your English work book 7.拿上你的英语练习册 8. Open your book at page no 25 8.打开你的书,翻到第25页 9. Raise your hand 9.请举手 10. Look here 10.看这里 11. Look at the black board 11.看黑板 12. Please listen to me carefully 12.请仔细听我说 13. Listen to the story 13.请听故事 14. Please keep quiet 14.请保持安静 15. Don’t make a noise 15.别吵 16. Show me your book 16.让我看你的书 17. Read aloud 17.大声读 18. Read silently 18.小声读 19. Stand in a row 19.站成一排 20. Sit in a first row 20.坐在第一排 21. Please say it again 21. 请再说一遍 22. Say it again 22.再说一遍 23. Say answer 23.说答案 24. This is your homework 24.这个是你的作业 25. Break time 25.休息 如果你觉得这些有用并且对您有帮助,请转发