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You seem + (adjective) 你似乎害怕过山车

When stating 'you seem' you're referring to the person you are talking to and expressing that they are giving the impression of or appear to be. 当说到'you seem'的时候,你指的是和你谈话的那个人,并表示他们给你的印象或者显现出来的样子。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"You seem bored."


"You seem unhappy with the results."


"You seem eager to begin."


"You seem easy to get along with."


"You seem elated to hear the good news." 


"You seem deeply in love."


"You seem afraid of roller coasters." 


"You seem confused about the rules of the game."


"You seem embarrassed about what happened." 


"You seem decisive about your choice." 
