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Car Rental – Interactive Practice租车对话练习

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native. 

点击Listen All并跟随。在熟悉整个对话之后,通过点击Person A 按钮成为A角色。你只会听到B通过音频文件。对你来说,在安静的时候你就重复A的句子。角色B也是同样的。谈话的速度是本地英语的速度。如果每个句子之间的停顿对你来说太快了,请使用暂停按钮。练习几次之后,你就能像本土人一样说得很快了。


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hello, ABC Car Rental. How can I help you?" 你好,ABC汽车租赁,有什么可以帮您? 

B: "Hi, I wanted to make a reservation." 你好,我想预订。

A: "What location would you like to rent from?" 你想在哪里租车呢? 

B: "I am flying into Los Angeles Airport. Do you have a booth there?" 我要飞往洛杉矶机场,你们在那里有摊位吗? 

A: "Yes we do. What date are you flying in?" 是的我们有。

B: "I am arriving on June 22nd." 我会在6月22号到达。

A: "What time is your arrival time?" 你抵达的时间是什么? 

B: "I am scheduled to arrive at 2 pm." 我计划是下午2点到达。

A: "How long would you like to rent the vehicle?" 你想要租多久的车? 

B: "I will need it for 10 days." 我会租用10天。

A: "What size car would you like?" 你想要什么型号的车? 

B: "A midsize car please." 中型车谢谢。

A: "Can I get your name?" 你可以把名字给我一下吗? 

B: "Yes. My name is Sang Min Lee." 好的,我的名字是李桑敏。

A: "Can you spell that?" 你可以拼一下吗? 

B: "Last name is L E E. First name is S A N G. Middle initial is M." 姓是L E E.名字是S A N G.中间是M开头。

A: "Great. Thank you. I have reserved a midsize car for you for June 22nd until July 1st. Is there anything else I can help you with?" 很好,谢谢。我已经帮你预订好6月22号到7月1号的中型车。还有什么我可以帮到你的吗? 

B: "That will be all." 没有了。

A: "Thank you for calling." 感谢你的来电。

B: "Thank you. Bye." 谢谢。再见。

Listen  All

Person  A

Person  B



Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "How can I help you today?" 有什么可以帮您的呢?

B: "I would like to rent a car." 我想要租辆车。

A: "Do you have a reservation?" 你有预订吗? 

B: "No." 没有。

A: "That's alright. Let's see what we can find. We have several cars to choose from. What size are you looking for?" 好的。让我们来看一下有什么车。我们有一些车可以选择。你想要什么型号的车? B: "What are my options?" 我有什么选择? 

A: "A compact car, midsize car, and a minivan."  一辆小型车,中型车和一辆小型货车。

B: "How much are they?" 他们是什么价格? 

A: "Compact is $21.95 a day, midsize is $27.95 a day, and a minivan is 35.95 a day." 小型车是21.95美元一天,中型车是27.95美元一天,小型货车是35.95美元一天。

B: "I'll take a midsize car." 我要中型车。

A: "How long will you be renting the car?" 这辆车你要租多久? B: "One week." 一个星期。

A: "How many people will be driving the car?" 有多少人用这辆车? 

B: "Just myself." 就我自己。

A: "Would you like insurance?" 你想要保险吗? 

B: "How much is it?" 保险多少钱? 

A: "It is $14.95 a day and it covers everything regardless of fault." 14.95美元一天,它包含了所有的保险除了人为错误。

B: "Yes please." 好的。

A: "Can I have your name?"  可以把名字报给我吗? 

B: "Last name is Lee. L E E. First name is Sang. S A N G." 姓L E E,名字是sang,S A N G. 

A: "Your address please?" 你的地址是? 

B: "I am from Korea. Would you like my address in Korea?" 我来自韩国。你想要我在韩国的地址吗? 

A: "Just the city name." 城市的名字就可以了。

B: "Seoul, Korea." 韩国,首尔。

A: "Can I see your driver's license and a credit card?" 我可以看一下你的驾驶证和信用卡吗? 

B: "Sure. Here it is." 当然。给你。

A: "Great. That will be $324.92. Would you like me to charge it on this card?"  很好。总共324.92美元。你想要我用这张卡付费吗? 

B: "Yes. That will be fine." 是的,可以的。

A: "Please sign here. You can pick up your car downstairs. Your expected time to return the car is June 29th. That is exactly one week. Show the attendant this invoice. When you return the car, bring this invoice with you. Also, the gas tank is full, you should fill up the gas tank before you return. If you don't want to, we can do it for you for $3 a gallon. Is there anything else I can do for you?" 


B: "That will be all. Thank you." 这就可以了。谢谢。

A: "Thank you. Good bye." 谢谢,再见。

Listen  All

Person  A

Person  B