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Email – Interactive Practice邮件对话练习

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native. 

点击Listen All并跟随。在熟悉整个对话之后,通过点击Person A 按钮成为A角色。你只会听到B通过音频文件。对你来说,在安静的时候你就重复A的句子。角色B也是同样的。谈话的速度是本地英语的速度。如果每个句子之间的停顿对你来说太快了,请使用暂停按钮。练习几次之后,你就能像本土人一样说得很快了。

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "I'll have the report ready for review tonight. Will you be able to look at it tomorrow?"  我今晚要准备报告,你明天能看一下吗? 

B: "I'm not going to be in the office tomorrow. Can you email it to me? I'll look at it from home." 我明天不会去办公室,你能给我发邮件吗?我会在家里看看。

A: "Sure. What's your email address?" 当然。你的邮箱地址是什么?” 

B: "It is someone@hotmail.com." 它是someone@hotmail.com。

A: "The file is pretty big. Will the email allow me to send a file that big?" 文件太大了,邮箱能让我发送一个这么大的文件吗? B: "If it is under one mega byte, you shouldn't have a problem." 如果它在一兆字节以内,你就应该没问题了。

A: "I don't think it's that big. I'll send it tonight. Just get back to me when you finish the review tomorrow." 我认为它没有那么大,今晚我会发送它,当你明天完成的时候再给我答复。

B: "Ok. I should be done with it by noon." 好的,我应该在中午之前能完成。

A: "That would be great. Thanks." 那太好了,谢谢。

Listen All 

Person A 

Person B


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "The manager wants us to work on the data analysis together." 经理想要我们一起做数据分析。

B: "Did you get an email from her?" 你收到她的邮件了吗?” 

A: "Yeah. You were on the µto' line as well." 是的,你的也在µto栏上。

B: "I never got it yet. When did you get the mail?" 我还没收到呢,你什么时候收到邮件的? 

A: "I got it about 30 minutes ago. Should we have her send the mail again?" 我30分钟之前收到的,我们应该再让她发一次吗? 

B: "No, I don't want to bother her right now. Can you just forward the mail to me?" 不,我现在不想打扰她,你能把邮件转发给我吗? 

A: "No problem. I'll do it now." 没问题,我现在就发。

B: "I'm still not getting it." 我还是没有收到它。

A: "Maybe your exchange server is down." 也许你的交换服务器坏了。

B: "I think you're right. Can you send it to my personal account? It is someone@hotmail.com." 我想你是对的,你能把它发到我的个人账户吗?它是someone@hotmail.com。

A: "Sure. Sending now." 当然,现在就发送。

B: "I got it. Thanks for forwarding me the mail. After I read it, let's get together to discuss how we are going to work on the data analysis." 我明白了,谢谢你把邮件转发给我。在我读过邮件之后,再让我们一起讨论如何处理数据分析。

A: "Perfect. Just ping me when ever." 很好,随时跟我联系。

Listen All 

Person A 

Person B


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hi Jack, this is Cindy from the audit team." 你好,杰克,我是审计组的辛迪。

B: "Hi Cindy."你好,辛迪。

A: "I'm calling in regards to the 2003 bank statements you sent over to me last week. I cannot find the August statement. Can you resend that one by any chance?" 我打电话来是想了解一下你上周给我发的2003年的银行报表,我找不到8月份的报表了,你方便的时候能再给我发一遍吗? 

B: "I can fax them over to you in about an hour. Will that be ok?" 我可以在一小时内把它们传真给你。可以吗? 

A: "That would be great. I also have questions on several of the withdrawals. Do you know who I should contact to straighten this out?" 那太好了。我也有几个关于提款的问题。你知道我应该联系谁来解决这个问题吗? 

B: "You should talk to Joe Smith. He is our senior accountant over here. His number is 555-123-4567." 应该打给乔·史密斯,他是我们这边的高级会计,他的号码是555-123-4567。
A: "That was Joe Smith at 555-123-4567?" 乔·史密斯的联系方式是555 - 123 - 4567 吗? 

B: "That's correct." 没错。

A: "Do you have his email address. I might need it later." 你有他的邮箱地址吗?我过后可能需要它。

B: "Sure. It's joesmith@ourcompany.com." 好的,它是joesmith@ourcompany.com。

A: "joesmith@ourcompany.com. Ok. Thanks for all your help."  joesmith@ourcompany.com,好的,谢谢你的帮忙。

B: "No problem. Have a good day."不客气,祝您愉快。

A: "You too. Thanks again. Bye." 你也一样,再次感谢,再见。

Listen All 

Person A 

Person B