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It’s too bad that太糟糕了,演唱会上的票都卖完了

'Too bad' means regrettable or unfortunate. When using it in a sentence you are expressing a concern or regret for what has taken place. The topic being discussed could have happened to you, the person you are talking to, or someone or something else. '

Too bad'表示遗憾或不幸,当你在句子中使用它的时候,你对所发生的事情表示担忧或遗憾。正在讨论的话题可能发生在你身上,和你交谈的人,或者某人或其他事情。

Here are some examples: 这里有一些例子: 

"It's too bad that she lost her job."


"It's too bad that you have to go."


"It's too bad that I found out about it."


"It's too bad we will not be there on time."


"It's too bad that tickets are all gone to that concert."


"It's too bad that it is supposed to rain."


"It's too bad that she got hurt."


"It's too bad that my work has to lay off people."


"It's too bad that you do not understand."
