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Hotel Checking In – Interactive Practice酒店入住对话练习

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native. 

点击Listen All并跟随。在熟悉整个对话之后,通过点击Person A 按钮成为A角色。你只会听到B通过音频文件。对你来说,在安静的时候你就重复A的句子。角色B也是同样的。谈话的速度是本地英语的速度。如果每个句子之间的停顿对你来说太快了,请使用暂停按钮。练习几次之后,你就能像本土人一样说得很快了。


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Thank you for calling Great Hotel. How may I help you?"  感谢您致电大酒店。有什么可以帮您的? 

B: "I would like to rent a room, but how much do you charge a night?" 我想订一间房,但是你们每晚要多少钱?

A: "Our prices start at $79 a night for a standard room." 我们的起步价是79美元每晚的标间。

B: "Great. Can you reserve a room for me?" 很好。你可以给我预订一个房间吗? 

A: "Sure. What day are you coming in?" 当然可以。你什么时候入住呢? 

B: "I will be checking in on August 3rd." 我将在8月3号入住。

A: "How many days do you need the room for?" 这间房你需要住几天? 

B: "I'll need it for three nights." 我需要三个晚上。

A: "Ok. I have you coming in on the 3rd of August and checking out on the 6th. Is that correct?" 好的。你是八月3号入住然后6号退房。对吗? 

B: "Yes." 是的。

A: "How many total adults?" 总共几个成人? 

B: "Two adults and two kids." 两个成人和两个小孩。

A: "How old are the children?" 孩子们多大了? 

B: "10 and 12." 10岁和12岁。

A: "Would you like one room or two rooms?" 你想要一间房还是两间房?

B: "Just one is fine." 一间就可以了。

A: "Would you like a smoking room or a non smoking room?" 你是要吸烟室还是无烟室? 

B: "Non smoking room please." 无烟室谢谢。

A: "Can I have your last name?" 你姓什么? 

B: "Park."  Park. 

A: "Your first name" 你的名字。

B: "Young. That's Y O U N G."  Young. 那是Y O U N G. 

A: "Let me confirm your information Mr. Park. I have one non smoking double room with 2 adults and 2 children from August 3rd to August 6th. Is this correct?"  让我确认一下你的信息,帕克先生。从8月3日到8月6日,要一个无烟的双人房,有2个成人和2个孩子。对吗? 

B: "Yes." 是的。

A: "The total comes to $256.78. Can I get your credit card number?" 一共是256.78美元。可以给我你的信用卡号吗? 

B: "Sure. It is 555555555555." 当然。它是555555555555. 

A: "What is the name on the credit card?" 信用卡上的名字是什么? 

B: "Young Park." Young Park. 

A: "I have the room reserved for you. If you need to cancel, please call us 24 hours before your check in date. Failure to cancel will result in a one day charge on your credit card. Is there anything else I can do for you?" 


B: "Yes, one more question. What time can we check in?" 是的,还有一个问题。我们什么时候可以入住? 

A: "We can check you in by 2:00pm." 下午两点可以入住。

B: "Great. Thank you." 很好。谢谢。

A: "Thank you and have a great day." 谢谢你,祝您愉快。

B: "Thanks. Bye" 谢谢。再见。

A: "Good bye." 再见。
Listen All

Person A

Person B