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A lot of companies have an intranet site. This is basically web pages that can be viewed by employees connected to the network in the office. The address does not use the standard .net or .com address. It will simply be http://companysite. 


"Do we have an intranet site that explains our benefits?" 


"What was the site where we log our travel expenses?" 


"If you want to use a sick day, you can go to http://timereport." 


If you have an intranet site for your company, then when you talk to other workers, you don't need to say http:// everytime. You can simply say the name, for example, 'If you want to use a sick day, you can go to time report.' The other person listening should understand that you mean http://timereport.

如果你公司有内部网站,那么当你和其他员工交谈的时候,你不需要每次都说http://。你就简单地说名字就可以了,例如,“如果你想用病假,你可以去看time report。”另一个人应该明白你的意思是去http://timereport上查看。

"Is there an intranet site detailing each project our company is doing?" 


"Is our company going to put an intranet site for employees?" 


"I think it will help a lot if we had an intranet site with general questions and answers from all the employees."  
